
Boundless World (BLB) Token

Simple Summary

BLB is an ERC-20 standard token for the Boundless world project of the Future market makers team.

the maximum number of tokens is 3.69 billion tokens and cannot be minted more.

Brilliant features

  • Using openzeppelin conntract standards:

    • ERC20 standard interface

    • ERC20Burnable extension to tokens can be burned.

    • ERC20Capped extension to limit the total supply

    • ERC20Permit extension to pay gas fees by only BLB token.

    • AccessControl interface for the administration of the tokens.

  • Using TransferControl interface:

    • The admin can set a monthly fraction of the spending limit which means that every user can only spend the specified fraction of their tokens every month.

    • admin can restrict some addresses and specify a different limitation which makes them able to spend their tokens independent of the prevailing limitations.

  • Using TransactionFee interface:

    • Admins can set a fraction or a constant amount for every BLB token transfer. so it is considered as the internal gas fee.

    • transaction fees are sent to a third address which can be set by the admin.

    • if the transaction fee receiver is zero address, then the fee tokens are burned.

External Functions API:

BLB token contract consists of two main parts:

  1. the openzeppelin pre-built open-source contracts.

  2. the custom-developed unique contracts of BLB token.

we explain custom-developed functions here in detail. and link others to the openzeppelin docs.

main contract (BLBToken):

 * Creates amount tokens and assigns them to account, increasing the total supply.
 * Emits a transfer event from set to the zero address.
 * Requirements:
 * account cannot be the zero address.
 * only role MINTER_ROLE can call this function.
function mint(address to, uint256 amount)

     * Mint amount of token to every member in accounts.
     * Emits some transfer events with from set to the zero address to every account.
     * Requirements:
     * accounts cannot be the zero address.
     * only role MINTER_ROLE can call this function.
    function mintBatch(address[] accounts, uint256 amount)

abstract contract (TransactionFee)

deduct the transaction fee of every token transfer and send it to a third address.

functions and events API:

 * @return feeAmount numerator of transaction fee which denominator is 1,000,000.
 * @return feeFraction independent transaction fee for every token transfer.
 * @return feeReceiver address of the fee receiver.
function feeDetails()
external function
 * @return fee transaction fee corresponding to the transferring amount.
 * @notice if there is a fee amount, the transaction fee is not proportional to the
 *  transferring amount.
function transactionFee(uint256 transferingAmount)
external function
 * @notice set amount or fraction and receiver of BLB transaction fees.
 * @notice if transaction receiver is zero address, the transaction fee will be burned.
 * @notice requirement:
 *  - Only role FEE_SETTER can call this function.
 *  - one of the feeAmount or feeFraction must be zero.
 *  - fee fraction can be a maximum of 50,000 which equals 5% of the transactions
 * @dev emits a SetTransactionFee event
function setTransactionFee(uint256 _feeAmount, uint256 _feeFraction, address _feeReceiver)
 * @dev emits when the admin sets a new transaction fee plan.
event SetTransactionFee(uint256 _feeAmount, uint256 _feeFraction, address _feeReceiver)

abstract contract (TransferControl)

control BLB transfers.

users may have access to transfer their whole BLB balance or only a certain fraction every month(it depends on the monthly limit).

some specific addresses may have restricted access to transfer.

contract admin can restrict every desired address and also determine a spending limit for all users.

if an address is restricted then the public monthly limit is diactivated for it.

functions and events API:

external function
 * @notice set spend limit for monthly transfers.
 * @notice there is no transfer limit if the fraction is 10**6.
 * @param fraction the numerator of transfer limit rate which denominator
 * is 10**6.
 * @notice require:
 *  - only role TRANSFER_LIMIT_SETTER can call this function.
 *  - maximum fraction can be 10**6 (equal to 100%).
 * @notice emits a SetMonthlyTransferFraction event.
function setMonthlyTransferLimit(uint256 fraction)
external function
 * @notice restrict an address 
 * @notice the address `addr` will be only able to spend as much as `amount`.
 * @param addr the restricted address.
 * @param amount restricted spendable amount.
 * @notice require:
 *  - only the RESTRICTOR_ROLE address can call this function.
 * @notice emits a Restrict event.
function restrict(address addr, uint256 amount)
external function
 * @notice district an address 
 * @notice the address `addr` will be free to spend their BLB like regular
 * addresses.
 * @param addr the address that is going to be districted.
 * @notice require:
 *  - only RESTRICTOR_ROLE address can call this function.
 * @notice emits a District event.
function district(address addr)
 * @return fraction the numerator of monthly transfer limit rate which denominator
 * is 10**6.
function monthlyLimit()
external function
 * @return boolean true if the address is restricted.
 * @param addr the address that is going to be checked.
function isRestricted(address addr)
external function
 * @return amount that the address can spend.
 * @dev if the address is restricted, the amount equals the remaining spendable amount for the 
 * address. else if there is a spending limit active for the contract, the amount equals the
 * address's remaining monthly spendable amount. else the amount equals the balance of the address.
 * @param addr the address that is being checked.
function canSpend(address addr)
 * @dev emits when the admin sets a new value as the monthlyLimit.
event SetMonthlyTransferLimit(uint256 fraction)
 * @dev emits when the admin restricts an address.
event Restrict(address addr, uint256 amount);
 * @dev emits when the admin districts an address.
event District(address addr);

Last updated